Thursday, September 13, 2012

Exam tips – sitting the exam

Be prepared; find out what is involved in each of the examinations that you are going to sit. Organize yourself the night before and get plenty of sleep.
§  Check you have the correct equipment with you before you leave the house (pens pencils, ruler, scientific calculator, etc)
§  Do take a watch or clock so that you can time your answers
§  Leave for the exam in plenty of time
§  Look through the paper first and mark difficult questions/initial thoughts
§  Select the questions that will best enable you to demonstrate your knowledge to the examiner
§  Look at the marks available and read the questions carefully, following instructions given in the paper (e.g. to show all workings, word limits etc)
§  Use the information provided on the paper (the answer’s often nearly all there)
§  Pace yourself and allow enough time to answer all the required questions
§  Write as neatly as possible to help the examiner to mark your work. Marking untidy writing is difficult
§  For longer answers, take a few minutes before you begin to produce a structured plan of what you are going to include in each section
§  Allow yourself ten minutes at the end to read through your answers and correct any mistakes
§  Cross out anything you do not want the examiner to read (e.g. an earlier answer to a question)
Source: University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, 2012, Revision Tips [Online] Available from:

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