Monday, April 16, 2012


  • Instead of holding your students with an iron grip, allow them to be themselves until (and unless) their behavior distracts you or others in the class.
  • When you notice unproductive behavior, nip it in the bud. Otherwise, you send a clear message to the students that it's OK for them to talk while you are talking, etc.
  • Use classroom management techniques before you become irritated, impatient or upset. We are much more powerful when we are centered, when we like out students, and when we view our students with fondness rather than impatience.

  • Allow students to save face. When we put students down in front of others, the entire class of students will turn against us.
  • Do all you can to feel good about yourself and others on a daily basis. Your attitude will come across to your students, so it is important to be in good mental and physical shape.
  • If, by chance, you feel that you have spoken sharply in an attempt to manage your students, own up to it. "Wow, that sounded harsh. Forgive me!"
  • Remind yourself: "If teaching were easy, everyone would be doing it." Teaching in front of a classroom full of students can be challenging, but on the other hand, very rewarding!

    Reference: Adapted from: California Nurses Association, AIDS Train the Trainer Program for Health Care Providers (1988)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

School Improvement Plan of HULHUDHUFFAARU SCHOOL


Current Status



Target Audience



Responsible Person

Formulating a Policy on Inclusivity

School does not have a written policy on inclusivity

To draw up a policy on inclusivity in the school

By the end of 2012 school will have a written policy on inclusive education

School Community

SMT will initiate in drawing a draft policy on inclusivity

18th March – 31st March 2012


School will conduct workshops for different stakeholders for their input on inclusive policy

1st April – 10th April 2012

Leading Teachers

Implementing the policy

1st May 2012

School Board

Conduct a Survey to Identify Children of School Age Who is Out of School

No information is available to identify that all children of school age are in the school.

To ensure all school age children are enrolled in school

All school age children in the catchment area will be enrolled in 2013.

Whole community

A survey form will be prepared for the purpose.

1st week of May 2012


Conducting the survey for the current year

2nd week of May 2012

Leading Teachers

Establishing School Management Information System

School has a database

To collect necessary data of students for various purposes

By the end of year 2012 all data concerning students will be updated and maintained


School will identify personnel for re-designing the database

1st week of July 2012

Head of Admin Section

Collecting raw data and computerizing

September 2012

Leading Teachers

Updating SMIS on new admission

From September 2012

Academic/Admin Section

Developing IEPs for Children with Special Needs


To provide necessary guidance and assistance to develop IEP’s for children with special educational needs

During 2013 all teachers will use IEP’s for children with special educational needs


School will conduct series of workshops on how to draw IEPs

2nd week of July 2012 and during the first of every term for next three years

Leading Teachers/Teachers/Parents

Continuous monitoring and feedback

Continuous from July 2012

Leading Teachers/Teachers/Parents

Reviewing the IEPs


Leading Teachers/Teachers/Parents

Formulating a Policy on Student Attendance

Lacks a policy on student attendance

To provide necessary corrective measures for long absenteeism and dropout

Students absenteeism monitored and corrective measures taken


SMT will initiate in drawing a draft policy on inclusivity

1st May – 15th May 2012


School will conduct workshops for different stakeholders for their input on inclusive policy

16th May – 30th June 2012

Leading Teachers

Implementing the policy

1st July 2012

School Board

Promote Leadership and Mentorship

School needs strengthen the leadership and mentorship programs for mainstreaming

To provide proactive inclusion in leadership to all the students

By the end of year 2012 school leadership and mentorship roles given to all children irrespective of ability, special need, ethnicity, gender, economic status, popularity and behaviour.


School will conduct awareness programmes for all the teachers about leadership and mentorship

September 2012


School will identify mentors

September 2012

Leading Teachers

Continuous monitoring and evaluation

From September 2012